When he looks at me, the way he looks at me...he does not know what I lack...Or how...I am incomplete. He sees me...for what I am...as I am. He's happy...to see me, every time...every day.
知你存在 我眼中满映着你的爱
"Unable to perceive the shape of You.
I find You all around me.
Your presence fills my eyes with Your love.
It humbles my heart.
For You are everywhere."
Man is as silent as a grave. But if farts were flattery...honey, he'd be Shakespeare.
矮个子都很坏, 我从没遇见过从头好到尾的矮个子,绝对没有,全部都是背后捅刀子的小贱人,也许是因为下层的空气,氧气不够之类的。
Short people are mean. I never met a short man that stayed nice all the way through. No, sir. Mean little backstabbers, all of them. Maybe it's the air down there, not enough oxygen or something.
Because I don't. I don't know what happened to me. I don't know. I look in the mirror and the only thing that I recognize are these eyes...in this old man's face.You know, sometimes I think I was either born too early or too late for my life. Maybe we're both just relics.
我们这样宣扬,但只是一种输出,之所以宣扬 就是因为我们自己不用。
We sell it, but it's an export. We sell it, because we don't use it.