The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (Original Title)



Nic Cage:

如果这是我在这颗美丽的绿色星球上,能完成的最后一件事,那我会说: “哈,这他妈真是最好的告别”。
"And if that's the last thing I accomplish on this beautiful green earth, well, then, ha, I say, ha, what a way to fucking go."

在其它行业,勤劳工作是美德,怎么在电影业 就变成了,“尼克 你拍的电影太多了”,“尼克 你接的戏太多了”,“尼克 要留给观众想念你的时间”,拜托,这是我的工作,我要付账单,我要养家糊口,你们太烦人了。
I mean, in any other job, hard work is something to behold, but with film performance, "you're making too many movies, Nick." "You're working too hard, Nick." "Have the audience miss you more, Nick." I mean, "hello, it's my job. I pay my bills. I feed my family. You're annoying."

Because it's just a matter of time before the great power plant upstairs turns off the juice and we retreat to the black pit of nothingness from whence we came.

When she was nine years old, my daughter and I took our first trip together. We drove overnight, across the desert, to the Grand Canyon. You remember that, sweetheart? And when the sun came up, I pulled over to the side of the road as she rested her little head on my shoulder and we just watched...Watched the sun come up. That was the happiest moment of my life.

- Javi:你们俩亲近吗?
- Nic Cage:父母不可能跟一个16岁的孩子亲近,我尽量陪在她身边 但是…为人父母是没有剧本的。
- Are you two close?
- Well, it's impossible to be close with a 16-year-old. But I've tried to be there for her. It's just...There's no script for parenting.


Whether you like it or not, you have a gift. And that gift brings light and joy to an increasingly dark and broken world! And to turn your back on that gift is to turn your back on the entire human race.

Like, I'm your daughter and I get nervous. Like, debilitating fucking anxiety that if I don't like what you like, you won't like me.

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