When I think of my dad, I think of Bob Seger's Like a Rock.
Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do...are usually the same thing? Nothing that has meaning is easy. Easy doesn't enter into grown- up life.
- 我觉得最难理解的事就是,为什么其他孩子总有一点下流,他们会起绰号什么的,比方说你回答不出问题,可能被人叫"笨瓜"...或者被人叫"骆驼蹄子"。
- 为什么叫你"骆驼蹄子"?因为骆驼蹄子很结实,可以踏遍沙漠和滚烫的岩石。
- I guess the hardest thing was how other kids can be a little mean. Names and stuff. I don't know, like "dummy" if you miss a question...or "camel toe."
- Why you get called camel toe? Because camel toes are tough. They can walk all over the desert and all the hot rocks.
Here's something that...if you want your father to think you're not a silly fuck...don't slap a guy across the face with a glove. Because if you do that, that's what he will think...unless you're a nobleman or something in the 19th century...
You always worry about your kids...no matter how old. There's always looking after.
This shit life...we must chuck some things. We must chuck them...in this shit life. There's always looking after. You have time.
我记得以前...我设想过自己的人生会是什么样子 我自己会是什么样子,我想象自己拥有所有这些品质,优良的品质...可以让人出类拔萃的品质,但是随着岁月流逝...这些品质我差不多一个也没得到,而我当初面对的各种可能性和我可能成为的各式人等...也在年复一年地减少...最后终于只剩下一种...那就是现在的我,那就是现在的我...气象先生。
I remember once...imagining what my life would be like, what I'd be like. I pictured having all these qualities. Strong, positive qualities...that people could pick up on from across a room. But as time passed...few ever became any qualities I actually had. And all the possibilities I faced, and the sorts of people I could be...all of them got reduced every year to fewer and fewer...until finally they got reduced to one...to who I am. And that's who I am...the weatherman.
I've been doing the show for a few months. People don't throw things at me anymore...maybe because I carry a bow around.
Hello, America.
你知道吗戴维?你知道为什么我给你口交的时候缺乏激情?我恨你我讨厌你的头发,讨厌你丑陋的腿,讨厌你的手臂,我讨厌吻你的嘴 行了吧 戴维?这就是为什么你的老二在我嘴里的时候,我缺乏激情。
You know what, Dave? You want to know why my BJs lacked enthusiasm? I hated you. I hated your hair. I hated your ugly legs, your forearms. I hated kissing your lips, Dave. Okay? And that's why I lacked enthusiasm when your cock was in my mouth.