The Lotus-eaters.
"Hateful is the dark-blue sky,
vaulted o'er the dark-blue sea.
Death is the end of life.
Ah, why should life all labor be?"
I don't know how it worked at your other properties, but here, self-disclosure is discouraged. Especially with these VIPs who arrive on the boat. You know, you don't wanna be too specific as a-- as a presence, as an identity. You wanna be more generic. You know, it's a Japanese ethos where we are asked to disappear behind our masks as pleasant interchangeable helpers. It's tropical kabuki. And the goal is to create for the guests an overall impression of vagueness that can be very satisfying, where they get everything they want but they don't even know what they want, or what day it is, or where they are, or who we are, or what the fuck is going on.
Unique room, ocean view. You have to treat these people like sensitive children. They always say it's about the money, but it's not. It's not even about the room. They just need to feel seen. They wanna be the only child. The special, chosen baby child of the hotel. And we are their mean mummies, denying them their Pineapple room.
I've driven away every man that...I've ever been involved with, 'cause you know, I just-- I get-- I--I just, you know, I get too attached. And they don't like that. I just--I can't get rid of this, like-- this--this really empty feeling.
Being a man, being a young man...in this time right now, can't be easy. I don't know. I don't know, the modern world today is just so... emasculating. Unless you're a fireman or something. You know, I think... it's like every kid...like, growing up, wants to be the hero of the story. And in the end...you know, you're just happy you're not the villain.
The hotel doesn't really like it when the staff interacts with the guests in that way. Like some kind of caste system?
- 他来自一个十分,十分富裕的家庭,而且他也非常成功,比我成功得多,我就是有时候觉得我担心他的轨道比我的要强大得多,而且就像他自身的引力会把我吸到他那里,
- 你怕你会变成他的卫星
- 对,我不只会丢掉这份普通的工作,这不要紧,但我怕会迷失自己。
- He's from this very, very wealthy family and he's very successful, like way more than I am. And I just sometimes feel like...I worry that his orbit is--is stronger than mine and that, like, I don't know, that like his gravitational pull is gonna like just suck me in and, um...
- Like you'll become a moon to his planet?
- Yes, and not only lose my mediocre career, which is whatever, but also, like, myself.
Your power is your independence. Don't give up your power.
I do think that there's a purpose in helping even rich people, you know? Helping them to find healing, making them feel more present, more aware. Because rich people, they're the ones that, you know...are fucking up the whole world.
It's funny how you're able to have so much compassion for all these groups of oppressed peoples you don't even know, and yet not for your family.
What's real is...like, gay, straight, whatever, we're just monkeys, we're just fucking monkeys. Yeah, we're just animals. I mean, you know, we wanna be, like...superheroes and respectable fathers and pillars in our communities, whatever, but-- but in fact, we're just monkeys...living in our own little monkey pods, driven by base instincts to create these hierarchies and hump each other. I thought I knew my father, you know? I only knew the part that he wanted me to see. He hid the monkey, and that screwed me up, Quinn.
When you're young, sex is powerful and intoxicating. And as we mature, it gets demystified. You realize there are more important things to focus on. Like holding onto whatever shreds of dignity you still have.
Rachel's thinking about quitting journalism. She still wants to make a difference, but, uh, she finally figured out journalism is a sucker's game.
It bothers her to watch Hawaiians have to dance for a bunch of white people. I think it's just a way for them to honor their culture. And they seemed to be having a really good time. Look, obviously, imperialism was bad. Shouldn't kill people, steal their land, and then make them dance. Everybody knows that. But it's humanity. Welcome to history. Welcome to America. I mean, what are we gonna do, huh? Really. Nobody cedes their privilege. That's absurd. And it goes against human nature. We're all just trying to win the game of life. How are we-- how are we gonna make it right? Hmm? Should we give away all our money?
No marriage is perfectly symmetrical, you know? One person might have more money, or is better looking, the other could have the bigger career, or maybe one has more friends or cachet.
Sometimes, just watching them eat every night makes me wanna gouge my eyes out.
You're the baby, Shane. Coddled by your mommy, who showed up on your honeymoon. You don't get the room you want, so you throw a never-ending tantrum. I genuinely cannot believe what a baby-man you can be.