The Witcher Season 2

猎魔人 第二季

The Witcher Season 02 (Original Title)



When I say run, you run. When I say hide, you hide.

- 你打算告诉我发生了什么吗?
- 讲这个故事要有酒才行。
- 那你呢?
- 讲这个故事要有一个酒窖才行。
- You gonna tell me what happened to you?
- That's a tale requiring wine.
- What of you?
- That's a tale requiring a wine cellar.

- 我看你不像怪物。
- 非常感谢,亲爱的,怪物不仅仅是可怕的外表和尖牙利爪,怪物源于做的事,不可原谅的事。
- You don't seem like a monster to me.
-I appreciate that, my dear. Monsters are more than just horrid looks and claws and teeth. ‪Monsters are born of deeds done. Unforgivable ones.

-‪ 你是怪物吗?
- 你与众不同 难道你也是怪物吗?
- 怪物害人。
- 而‪人害一切。
- Are you a monster?
- Are you a monster because you are different?
- Monsters do bad things to people.
- Humans do bad things to everybody.

用最稀有的科拉兹沙漠蜂蜜 ,酿造的最上等的蜂蜜酒。
Finest mead from the rarest Korathian desert honey.

They needed faith. ‪Faith's a simple medicine for desperate souls. Faith sustains us all in dark times.

They lick the boots of humans. The same boots that will eventually crush their necks.

I'm going to let you bake some more. I want your desperation crisp. You will beg me to take it from you.

- 我们没有休息的机会,我们谁都不可能过上平静的日子,直到世界上的怪物全被消灭的那一天,直到我们完成毕生的任务。
- 永远不会有这一天,否则我们岂不是没事可干了。
- We won't get any rest. None of us will have any peace until there are no monsters left in the world. Until our life's mission is complete.
- Which will be never.'Cause what else would we do? 

从我见到你那一刻起 你就一直想要填补空虚,法力做不到这一点,‪即便之前你掌握法力的时候也一样。
From the moment we met, you have been trying to fill a void. Power couldn't do it, even when you had it at your fingertips.

When a witcher cracks his skull,all we need do is stick him in a cot ‪and fill him with veratrum, spurge, and hawthorn. Chances are, he'll survive.

我认识很多人 ‪在我那个年代想要成为伟大的战士,知道他们现在在哪里吗?坟墓里。
I have known many who wanted to be great fighters in my time. Do you know where they are now? In cemeteries.

Remember, hesitation will draw danger to you like fire. But trust the path you choose and it will protect you. Even in darkness. As long as you listen. Always listen.

You witchers, you pretend not to have emotions, but you do. I know you feel it too. All of it. ‪Normal love, normal hatred, normal pain, fear and regret, ‪normal joy, and normal sadness.

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