The Worst Person in the World


Verdens verste menneske (Original Title)



As she became increasingly militant, she saw how climate change was hurting indigenous people. Inuit starving as seals vanish. Melting ice ruining reindeer pastures. Aborigines dying of skin cancer from the hole in the ozone. Plastic is killing the oceans. Norwegian cod was ferried to China and back. Cobalt mining was destroying the Congo. Batteries had blood on their hands. The sum of Western guilt sat beside him on the couch. Went to bed with him at night.

Julie disappointed herself. This used to be easy. She was still among the top students, but there were too many interruptions, updates, feeds, unsolvable global problems. She sensed a gnawing unease she had tried to suppress by cramming by drowning it in digital interference.

Her passion had always been the soul. The mind, not the body. Surgery is like, so concrete. It's almost like being a carpenter. But now...My passion has always been what goes on inside — thoughts and feelings. It was like a window had opened. Not anatomy.

Maybe we should agree to...stop seeing each other. The problem is our age difference. I'm just afraid we'll fall into a vicious circle. You're much younger than I am. You'll start to question who you are. I'm past 40. I've entered a new phase. Whereas you still need time to find yourself. You don't need me waiting. You need to be completely free. I'm just afraid we'll hurt each other. Later she said that was the precise moment she fell in love with him.

我认识一个人 他有这么一套理论,他说每个男人的精子总量是有限的,比如一生有三万亿精子,要是打飞机太频繁,会用完的,我觉得有道理。
I know a guy who has a theory about that. He says we have a limited number of sperm. Say... three trillion in your lifetime. Jerk off too much...and you run out. Could be true.

Yes, I do love you. And I don't love you. Julie felt that this sentence,the way she said it, her emphasis on certain words, summed up the impossibility of it all. I feel like a spectator in my own life. Like I'm playing a supporting role in my own life. I get that you feel stuck. You need a change.

她说她非常害怕孤单一人,害怕身边没有他,因此当她离开时,她就像是在冰上踉跄的小鹿斑比,而那正是她必须这么做的原因,阿克塞尔含糊地说着宽慰的话 她没有听到,她正在思考为什么在三十岁的时候,她会把自己比作小鹿斑比。
She said she was terrified of being alone. Terrified of living without him. That when she left, she'd be like Bambi on the ice. And that was precisely why she had to do it. Aksel mumbled soothing words she didn't hear. She was thinking about how, at the age of 30, she'd just compared herself to Bambi.

Eivind didn't want kids either. Climate researchers foresaw hard times for future generations. Overpopulation was the reasoneverything was falling apart. Julie liked how this pessimism added depth to his cheerful nature.

People die of thirst in Chile because avocados need so much water.

我只有这些东西了,我一辈子都在做这件事,收集各种东西 漫画 书籍…然后…在它无法给我那种我在二十多岁,感受到的强烈的情绪之后,我仍在继续,不管怎样,我还是如此,然后…这就是我所有剩下的东西了,无人在意的关于一些愚蠢和无用的东西的,知识和记忆。
That's all I have. I spent my life doing that. Collecting all that stuff, comics, books...And...I just continued, even when it stopped giving me the powerful emotions I felt in my early 20s. I continued anyway. it's all I have left. Knowledge and memories of stupid, futile things nobody cares about.

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