The rules are for everybody, even foreigners.
Gratitude, pity, they're chains, you know.
你知道 我从来没有什么运气,小时候被人从后面当球踢,长大后被子弹打成马蜂窝,这是我第一次遇到幸运女神,我说什么都不能错过。
I've never had any luck, you see. Kicks in the rear as a kid. Gunshots as a youth. This is my first encounter with lady luck. I just couldn't pass it up.
I own nothing, except my truck. When I'm bored with one town, I go to another. But there's nobody in my life.
I admire you. You're strong and free. You think only of yourself. What you want, you need at once without delay. Perhaps you prefer your security, your small life where nothing happens.
If a girl loves a man, if she trusts him, it's easy for her to leave with him.
- 我只知道做一些卑微的事,缝缝补补 照顾别人,还有数钱。
- 你本不该做卑微的事,你坚强而美丽,你的身体是为跳舞而生的,为爱而生,你不能再这样生活下去了,桃乐丝。
- I only know how to do sad things. To mend, look after people, count money.
- You're not made for doing sad things. You're strong and beautiful. Your body was made for dancing...for loving. You can't go on living like that, Thérèse.
- 我提议去看电影的
- 想吸入细菌 看情侣接吻,街上的细菌已经够多了,那些影片对你也不好。
- I suggested going to the movies.
- To breathe in germs and watch couples kiss? There are enough of them on the street. And those pictures are bad for you.