Two Stage Sisters


舞台姐妹 (Original Title)



You didn't mistreat her! Sister Shuihua earned lots of money for you. You drank her blood, exploited her body. She sought death because of you.

I don't understand why she died. There are people who take pleasure in others' misfortune. They wrote about her in the newspapers but they distorted the facts. An actress like my now leading a depraved life. Everyone envies and congratulates her.

Before Shang Shuihua died...she understood she wasa willing beast of burden...that she was a money tree. Perhaps most people don't understand that. They may even want to be deluded.

The other day you said you'll protect the living...and avenge the dead. I think this is of utter importance. Our sisters must understand what is right and what is wrong. If the majority people are of one mind...have one standard of truth...then the people oppressing us will be crushed by us, no matter who they are.

Teacher Wang, I've seen the films and plays you told me about. We sisters would like to follow their example. "Eyebrows raised, coolly I face a thousand pointing fingers" "New Year's Sacrifice: Xiang Lin's Widow" This is a character from one of Lu Xun's stories. He portrays the suffering of Chinese women under the old feudal system. She was widowed twice, so people thought she brought bad luck.

When we sisters sang opera in the past...we had to endure a lot of difficulties. Since you explained the hows and whys to many sisters have come out of the darkness into the light. Now that progress is possible in this era, the era asks us sisters to participate. We two must participate.

- 你忘了师父临终的嘱咐,春花姐,马不能落磨坊,人不能落戏房。
- 心强命不强,谁叫我们是戏子。
- Did you forget Master's last words? Sister Chunhua, a horse cannot die at the mill. 
- A person cannot die at the theatre. We're helpless. We're only actresses.


♪ 书房门前一枝梅 ♪ 
♪ 树上百鸟对打对 ♪ 
♪ 喜鹊满树喳喳叫 ♪ 
♪ 只见窜去又窜来 ♪ 
♪ 门前喜鹊成双对 ♪ 
♪ 向你梁兄报喜来 ♪ 
♪ 从来喜鹊报喜信 ♪ 
♪ 恭喜你一路平安把家归 ♪

♪ 奴见他头戴三道紫金冠  ♪ 
♪ 左耳还戴小金圈 ♪ 
♪ 我见她小家碧玉多伶俐 ♪ 
♪ 巧笔丹青难描颜 ♪ 
♪ 胸前挂着龙凤锁 ♪ 
♪ 右手拿着金飞扇 ♪ 
♪ 她青丝摆起盘龙簪 ♪ 
♪ 樱桃小嘴瓜子脸 ♪

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