Until the End of the World


Bis ans Ende der Welt (Original Title)

1999年世纪末,一颗印度的核子卫星即将坠地,地球上一片恐慌,视之为世界末日的到临。住在巴黎的女子克蕾儿在一次离开男友尤金的浪游中,认识疑为工业间谍的崔佛,并且深深为之着迷。一 次车祸意外中,克蕾儿认识二名抢匪,受托运送大批赃款,克蕾儿开始出发去寻找迷一样的人物崔佛。


It soared above the ozone layer like a lethal bird of prey.

The fire of love, the fire of love Can burn from afar. And nothing can light,
The dark of the night. Like a falling star.
Summer kisses, Winter tears. Like the stars they fade away.
Leaving me to spend my lonely nights,
With dreams of yesterday.

任何一个像我一样神志清醒的人都会告诉她,她只不过在追寻自己虚无的梦,但是克莱尔从来不肯听从我们理性思考的对话,她冲动且固执,并且沉浸在自己的恋爱想法中无法自拔,所以她唯一担心的事情 不是能否找到特雷弗·麦菲,而是当她找到特雷弗·麦菲的时候要做什么。
Any sane person, like myself, would have told her she was chasing a projection of her own imagination. But Claire never listened much to that sort of reasonable thinking. She was impulsive and stubborn, and she was in love with the idea of being in love. So the only think she worried about was not if she could find Trevor McPhee, but only what she would do when she finally found him.

All the great minds were persecuted...A hundred years from now they will have you on a postage stamp.

我仍然爱你,但是一种截然不同爱 没别的,就像一个梯子,像断了台阶的梯子,每次我看到你…我就知道我的生命会在你的台阶上终结。
I still love you, but it's a different sort of love. That's all. It's like a ladder. Like a ladder with a broken step. And every time I see you...I know I lost my life when the step broke.

You're a strange guardian angel. At first I thought you were a pig.

He's singing the country. The country is like their Bible. It's like that tree is Jonah, and that rock is the whale. Everything is part of a story. He's the custodian of this stretch of the country, of this part of the story. If he doesn't keep it alive, by telling it, it'll die...and so will he.

就在那时,我们迎着致命的风飞奔,那风带来的是真正的世界末日,这让我意识到小说的丢失让我重新获得了自由,让我获得重写一次小说的自由,不像我过去做的那样 一直沉湎于过去,而是看向未来。
It was just then, as we ran before the fatal winds that might bring about the actual end of the world, that I realized that the loss of my novel had freed me. Freed me to write it anew. Not dwelling on the past, as I had done. But looking out into the future.

The old ones want to sit down with the young people. To explain some old business. They want to make sure everything is passed on. They're afraid of the radiation. They call it "the poison from the sky". They don't understand it, but they know it'll destroy our country. They want to make sure everything is passed on. People painting song lines, telling stories, recording details of sacred sites. They're pushing everything out. Like a dying moth pushing out eggs. "Come into my parlor" said the spider to the fly. "Oh, no thanks, Mr. Longshanks. I have other fish to fry."

There's nothing to be sorry for. Life ends. But I've seen, finally...after all these years. This is our story, my darling. What a chase it has been. What a dance...Listen…Listen to them singing.

I believed in words. And I believed in the magic and healing power of storytelling. So, I did the only thing I could do: I continued to write Claire's story.

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