"I have reached the final station on my life's journey, and started down the path to the next world. Everyone I see looks like the police. I stand frozen amidst the throng."
I found out he'd been lying to me all along. But Jesus says the worst sin is to give up hope, so I thought we should face our difficulties.
Let us go. To the Temple of Paradise…
I hope I'm born a woman in my next life, so I can marry into this family!
It's reassuring. Small as Japan is, it's still a big place. It's the opposite of you. You're tighter than I expected.
I'm ready for the old folks' home. I'll sit there drooling in the sun. Once or twice a year, you can bring the kids to see me.
I don't need God. I killed innocent people, so I'll be put to death. That's how it should be. Can't be any other way.