

Walkover (Original Title)



With his hand on his throat he wants to make things right and he straightens his tie.

How far have you gone in life, if you're already completely alone.

如果你接下攻击,乖乖挨打,就不会再孤独了 你会和犹豫着…不确定要不要再给你一拳的人在一起。
If you take the blow and turn the other cheek, you won't be alone anymore, you'll be with the one who hesitated unsure whether to hit you again.

Before the daylight breaks, dew eats your eyes out.

That steam and electricity may result in children. You don't know that one? You put a couple in the room, turn off electricity and it gets steamy.

To the death, even if all they want is to hear the gong. It's an amazing sound that you wait for as though it was salvation. And after the break it mobilizes you to fight again. You get up even when you're dead.

不可逆的梦,醒来也无法扭转它们,即使你在火车站醒来,你的人生不断逝去 仿佛睁开眼后从镜中溜走的…某样东西,而即使在那时,要给人生投保…也依然不迟。
Irrevocable dreams. No awakening can take them back. And even when you wake up at the train station with your life, disappearing like something escaping from the mirror, after you open your eyes, because even then it is not too late to insure your life.

你一直相信自己想要相信的东西,在修道院你就信上帝,把我赶出学校时 你相信我是工人阶级的敌人,你肯定对自己的项目确信无疑 因为你为它大喊大叫,你总是大吼大叫 胡乱挥拳,只为了得到自己想要的。
You always believe in what you want. In the convent you believed in God. While having me expelled you believed me to be an enemy of the working class. And you must believe in your project since you were yelling so much. You always yell and throw blind punches, just to get what you want.

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