Where the Crawdads Sing





People forget about the creatures who live in shells.

Fall gave way to winter. Winter to spring. The only constant in nature is change.

I don't know if there is a dark side to nature. Just inventive ways to endure. Against all odds.

泰特和生活以及爱情一直是同一件事,他们都消失了,然后...每当我受伤时 沼泽都会抚慰我,在不知不觉间,最后心痛的感觉就像水入沙般消散了,它仍在,但在内心深处。
Tate and life and love had been the same thing. They were all gone. And then...Whenever I stumbled, the marsh caught me. At some unclaimed moment, at last, the heart pain seeped away, like water into sand. Still there, but deep.

I finally understood why Ma had to leave. One thing I learned from Pa, these men have to have the last punch. Being isolated was one thing. Living in fear, quite another. I will never live like that. A life wondering when the next fist will fall.

No, I never hated them. They hated me. They laughed at me. They left me. They harassed me. They attacked me. You... You want me to beg for my life? I don't have it in me. I won't. I will not offer myself up. They can make their decision. But they're not deciding anything about me. It's them. They're judging themselves.

I hope when it is time for me to leave, I will go quick and easy, without making too much noise. It has always been enough...to be part of the natural sequence of things. Sure as the tides. Nature my guide. The marsh knows all about death...and doesn't necessarily define it as tragedy. Certainly not a sin. It understands that every creature does what it must to survive. And that sometimes, for prey to live...its predator must die.I am the marsh now. I am the feather of an egret. I am every shell washed upon the shore. I am a firefly. You'll see hundreds beckoning far into the dark reaches of the marsh. And that's where you will always find me. Way out yonder. Where the crawdads sing.

Tom Milton:

没有人谋杀蔡斯·安德鲁斯 被告克拉克小姐,之所以在这里,是因为把责任归咎于一个局外人,比依靠事实更简单。
No one murdered Chase Andrews and that the defendant, Miss Clark, finds herself here because it is easier to lay blame on an outsider than it is to rely on facts.

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