Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf


Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Original Title)



"What a dump!"

- 为什么你不想亲我?
- 如果我亲你,就会兴奋,然后就不能自已,然后我会把你强压在客厅的地板上,如果客人这时走进来,你爸爸会怎么说?“你这只猪”。
- Why didn't you want to kiss me?
- If I kissed you I'd get all excited. I'd get beside myself… and then I'd have to take you by force on the living room rug. Then our guests would walk in and what would your father say about that? Oh, you pig!

Some people still have manners… and just don't break into people's houses. Even if they hear a subhuman monster yowling at them from inside.

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? Wasn't that funny? That was so funny!

Ever since I married what's-her-name. Martha. Even before that. Forever. Dashed hopes and good intentions. Good, better, best, bested!

There are limits. A man puts up with only so much… before he descends on the evolutionary ladder which is your line. I'll hold your hand when it's dark and you're afraid of the bogeyman. And I'll tote your gin bottles out after midnight so no one sees. But I will not light your cigarette. And that, as they say, is that.

In my mind, you are bedded in cement up to the neck. No, up to the nose, it's quieter.

You've got history on your side. I've got biology on mine.

With the right man, yeah. I dance like the wind.

你一直在制造借口,“见鬼去吧,我的生活” ,“或许明天他会死,或许是你”,各种不同的借口,然后有一天真的发生了一些事,然后砰的一声! 破灭了,你就不再关心了。
You make all sorts of excuses: "To hell with it, this is life.", "Maybe tomorrow he'll be dead. Maybe tomorrow you'll be dead." All sorts of excuses. Then one day…one night, something happens…and snap! It breaks and you just don't give a damn anymore!

Your husband's a flop, I'm a flop. You're all flops. I am the Earth Mother and you are all flops.

You've got yourself so hunched over your microphone… Microscope! Yes. And you don't see anything, do you? You see everything but the goddamn mind. You see all the specks and the crap, but you don't see what goes on, do you?

You know so little. And you're going to take over the world, huh?

A drowning man takes down those nearest, and he tried.

How I fought him! How I fought him! The one thing. I tried to carry unscathed through the sewer of our marriage. Through the sick nights and the pathetic, stupid days… Through the derision and the laughter. God, the laughter! Through one failure after another. Each attempt more numbing,more sickening than the one before.

- 是谁在怕维吉尼亚狼?
- 是我,乔治。
- Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?
- I am, George.

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