The certificates we use to make certain of one another: contracts, licenses, ID cards, permits, deeds, certifications, registrations, carry permits, union cards, testimonials, bills, IOUs, temporary permits, letters of consent, income statements, certificates of custody, even proof of pedigree. Is that all of them? Have I forgotten any? Men and women are slaves to their fear of being cheated. In turn they dream up new certificates to prove their innocence. No one can say where it will end. They seem endless. You criticized me for arguing too much. But the facts speak for themselves.
Men aren't dogs. You can't put them on a leash.
Young people don't want to stay in the village. The pay's better in the cities.
一个叫Sabrata的罗马小镇,还有The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam的小镇,整整八公里全都被沙子吞没了,抗争是没用的,完全没有希望。
A Roman town called Sabrata...and that one in The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam...both completely buried under particles an eighth of a millimeter wide. You can't fight it! It's hopeless!
Are you shoveling sand to live, or living to shovel sand?
But you see, if it weren't for the sand, no one would bother about me. Isn't that right? Not even you.
If a crow goes for the bait, it'll get sucked into the sand. Crows are very clever. Hunger makes them stupid.
I won't die like a dog, I won't.
People only care about themselves. Here we are, ruthlessly exploited, yet happily wagging our tails. Before you know it, they'll abandon us here.
Even if it's only a lie...it helps to have hope...that things will change tomorrow. I'm so frightened every morning when I go to sleep that I'll wake up alone again.