Written on the Wind


Written on the Wind (Original Title)

Kyle(罗伯特·斯塔克 Robert Stack 饰)、Kyle的妹妹Marylee(多罗茜·马龙 Dorothy Malone 饰)和Mitch(罗克·赫德森 Rock Hudson 饰)三人从小一起长大,Kyle更把Mitch当作最好的朋友,而Marylee也一直暗恋Mitch。直到Lucy(劳伦·白考尔 Lauren Bacall 饰)出现在他们的生活里,Mitch和Kyle都爱上了这个美丽的女子...


My brother always drank too much. He was sad...the saddest of us all. He needed so much... and had so little.

A drink... for your thoughts.

Glory be. Maybe you finally see the light in my eyes.

It's like I was deep in a mountain pass, snowcaps hanging over my head. If I make a sound, snow might all come tumbling down. Bury me... alive.

You know, for a beautiful girl, you can look real ugly sometimes. Ask yourself this: Would I ever be enough for you? I can talk you right into the state penitentiary. You're sick, Marylee. Your sickness won't be cured by marrying me. Before it's too late, you'd better face up to yourself.

- 你爱我吗?
- 爱你?我甚至连自己都不爱。
- Do you love me? 
- Love you? I don't even love myself.

- 把枪拿给我,我要杀死他
- 会被你杀的大概只有,一瓶威士忌而已吧。
- Let me have the gun, Dan. I'll kill him. 
- A whiskey bottle's about all you'd ever kill.

- 也许嫁人,住到郊区,有丈夫,房贷和儿女。
- 那不适合你,太聪明和漂亮,不该有那种枷锁。
- 你建议哪一种枷锁?
- Oh, I'll probably walk down an aisle and wind up in a suburb...with a husband, mortgage and children. - That's not for you.
- Why not? -Got too much beauty and brains to fall into a trap like that.
- Just what sort of trap do you suggest?

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