Doing nothing and loafing around every day rots a man.
Once we fight, we may die, and really get married. You must not know, right? What kind of mood we lived with then, one day at a time, such things are not written in history, just like what kind of mood I wandered with day by day, no one knows.
That woman, ah, doesn't have anything serious to offer, a woman who, like her sister-in-law, lasts 18 years of married life in less than six months.
You're probably stubbornly living your life.
半年多的婚姻生活,牺牲了后面的18年,我还没有…我应该还有自己的人生,这个时候,我开始这么想,我长期以来,都自己束缚了自己,我一直以为,不管世界如何变化,这都无所谓,但是,最近… 已经够了吧… 我开始这么想。
More than six months of married life at the expense of the 18 years behind me, and I haven't… I should still have a life of my own, and at this point, I'm starting to think so… I've bound myself for so long… I've always thought that it didn't matter, no matter how the world changed… but lately… enough is enough… I'm beginning to think so.
I've never been out of this village in my life. Like a tree in the mountain.