I'm not wishing for something grandiose. But I don't want to succumb to this reality where I can't even fulfill one hundredth of the desire that a human being can have.
- 总是有这种像误发弹一样的客人,连自己要去哪里都不知道
- 是啊,你说得对,我也许就是造物主的误发弹,当真是无处可去。
- We got stuck with someone who has no idea where he wants to go like an aimless bullet.
- Maybe you're right. I might be an aimless bullet made by the Creator. I don't know where I should go to.
On the battlefield, we destroyed every obstacle that our enemy put in front of us with these guns. We killed our enemies who were after our lives, and then we marched on. But we couldn't bring down the wall of fate that divided us, not with the gun.
He doesn't want to leave behind any trace of him in this shitty world. A young man who's seen more blood in life than an old soldier. Maybe what torments him more is not that, but loneliness.
I feel as if I am the only one standing in this vast place, and the feeling gets worse at night.
Life is nothing better than ten hwan in the dirty hand of a little child, then how much you have will determine how much of life you get to see. The problem is that you can't quit your life after seeing it depending on the money you have in your pocket.
That's where the tragedy lies. That we have to keep on living this life. Is there a law that says we shouldn't leave here and live inside a bigger fence?
我退伍两年,像条长毛狗一样,到处找工作,年轻时留下的气魄,还有军队里磨练出来的勇气,想凭着这两点,勇敢地猎熊,就这样重新回到了社会,但要和熊一样厉害的家伙较量还远远不够,只好自怜自哀,噙着眼泪回来了,接下来,我就去找没那么厉害的野猪,果然,力量还是不够,想和獐子一决高下,对方又太敏捷了,我要是能飞就好了,起码能抓到一只野鸡,所以我想到了别的法子,对了! 是兔子,兔子!那种随处可见的兔子,我决定给自己弄只兔子,但那里的猎人比兔子还多。
I've been everywhere like a dog looking for work for the past two years since finishing the army. With the spirit and courage I learned in the military, I was undaunted and ready to hunt for a bear. That was how I put my foot back in society. But I felt sorry for myself at the prospect of fighting with such a strong bear. So I gave that up. Then, I went for a boar that was not as strong as a bear. Still, I wasn't strong enough. A deer was too fast. If I could fly, maybe I could've caught a pheasant at least. So I came up with the best idea ever! A rabbit! They are common enough. So I went to get myself a rabbit,but there were more hunters than rabbits out there.