Quotes from General Mark R. Naird:
我知道那年圣诞节树下不会有礼物了,于是在圣诞节的早上,我爸怎么做的呢?我爸趴下,爬到了圣诞树下,然后我妈也爬到了树下,然后我也爬了过去,我们三个躺在树下 互相当礼物,抬头看着枯死的树枝,非常压抑 很糟糕,但那其中还是存在一种美。
And I knew there were going to be no presents under the tree that Christmas. So, Christmas morning, what did my dad do? My dad got down, and he crawled under the tree. And then my mom crawled under the tree. And then I crawled under the tree. And the three of us lay there, under the tree, presents to one another. Looking up at all those dead branches. And it was depressing. And awful. But still, within that, there was a beauty.
我爸曾说:“马克 把垃圾拿出去,但别光拿出去 而是要放进垃圾箱,而且别光放进垃圾箱 还要塞到箱底,而且还得把盖子盖上 马克,而且得把盖子盖紧 以免小动物进去”,他是一个有智慧的人。
My dad, he used to say, "Mark, take the trash out. But don't just take it out. Put it in the trash can. And don't just put it in the can. Shove it to the bottom of the can. But don't just do that. You gotta put the lid on too, Mark. And you need to snap the lid tight to keep the critters out." He was a wise man.
Quotes from Dr. Adrian Mallory:
我怎么跟他说?“你好 兰卡斯特上尉,你在太空中独自旅行九个月,造成的骨量减少,全都白费了,祝你骨质疏松愉快”。
What do I tell him? "Hey, Captain Lancaster, you know the bone mass you lost traveling through space alone for nine months? Well, it was all for nothing. Enjoy your osteoporosis."
这就是没有复杂味道的根汁啤酒,是高果糖增肥剂,是疗养院里热衷的饮料,布拉德 它被市场拒绝是有原因的,这就是液态的海绵蛋糕,是婴儿拉出来的酪乳。
That's root beer without the complexity. That is a high-fructose people fattener. The preferred beverage in convalescent homes. There is a reason, Brad, it was rejected by the marketplace. That is a Twinkie in a liquid form. It is buttermilk passed through a baby's bottom.
Quotes from Dr. Chan Kaifang:
在钛的表面之下 他充满了氖,氖是高贵气体,我的意思是内尔德是一个高贵的人。
Underneath the titanium surface, he's filled with neon. Neon is a noble gas. I'm trying to say that Naird's a noble dude.
Why didn't anyone tell me? All these brainiacs, and nobody told me nobody uses emoticons anymore?
Quotes from many characters:
- F. Tony Scarapiducci: 问他范冰冰的事,著名的中国女星,他会很高兴的
- General Mark R. Naird: 范冰冰怎么样?她是一名很出色的女演员啊
- General Gao: 她偷税漏税,我国政府不容忍这种行为
- General Mark R. Naird: 范冰冰交税的时候一定喝了太多茅台?
- Ask him about Fan Bingbing. It's a famous Chinese actress. Fan Bingbing. He'll go crazy. Fan Bingbing.
- So, how about that Fan Bingbing? She's quite the actress.
- She committed tax fraud. Our government does not condone that kind of behavior.
- Fan Bingbing must have been drinking too much Moutai.
- Dr. Adrian Mallory: 旧金山的朱先生是我的老朋友
- Dr. Chan Kaifang: 朱氏餐厅的朱先生吗?那家可是加州最好的米其林中餐馆
- Dr. Adrian Mallory: 其实我们以前谈过恋爱,但后来他把焖鲍鱼从菜单上去掉了,我就明白了他是什么意思?
- You know, Mr. Chu in San Francisco is an old friend of mine.
- The Chus? Like, the top Michelin Chinese restaurant in all of California?
- We actually used to date, uh, but then he took the braised abalone off the menu, and I took the hint.
- General Mark R. Naird: 二胡是什么?
- Dr. Chan: 是一种中国古典乐器,差不多就是我们版本的小提琴,或者说小提琴是我们二胡的西式变种
- Captain Angela Ali: 嗯非常棒?,有两根弦,使用蛇皮做的
- What's the erhu?
- A classic Chinese instrument. It's basically our version of the violin. Or, should I say, the violin is the bastardized Western version of our erhu.
- It's gorgeous. It's got two strings. It's made out of python skin.
- Brad Gregory: 在美国敲桌子,是要二十一点荷官再给你发一张牌
- Dr. Chan Kaifang: 没错布拉德,华人都去过拉斯维加斯,那里是我们的麦加圣地
- Brad Gregory: 中国回族除外,因为真正的麦加才是他们的圣地
- In America, when you tap the table, it's a sign you want the blackjack dealer to give you another card.
- Yes, Brad. Every Chinese person's been to Vegas. It's our Mecca.
- Oh, well, except for the Muslim Chinese. 'Cause Mecca is their Mecca.
- F. Tony Scarapiducci: 长官,慢一点,在中国从来不会立刻谈业务
- General Mark R. Naird: 收到 稳扎稳打赢得月球。
- F. Tony Scarapiducci: Sir, slow down. In China, they never discuss business right away.
- General Mark R. Naird: Copy that. Slow and steady wins the moon.
- General Mark R. Naird: 监狱里怎么样?
- Maggie Naird: 和军队里很像,结构化 穿制服,如果投入时间和努力,就有可能获得级别,可以从别人的手下,晋升为帮派成员,然后再成为有自己手下的帮派成员。
- General Mark R. Naird: How's prison going?
- Maggie Naird: You know, it's a lot like the military. It's structured. You get uniforms. And if you put in the time and effort, you assume a rank. You can go from being someone's bitch to a gang member.
F. Tony Scarapiducci: 这是一个开始,想象一下,兰卡斯特指挥官在火星降落,走出飞行器 看看周围 然后说,“个人的一小步…噢 这是什么?美国大陆排名第三的能量饮料的一大口”。
It's a start. Picture it for a second. Commander Lancaster lands on Mars, gets out, looks around, says, "One small step for man… Oh, what's this? One giant swig of the number three energy drink in the continental US."
这是35年来我在面试中见过的最有品格且最自信的一位,她这个年纪的人,有几个会说自己还不够成熟,还不能上大学,要到自己作好准备再申请?非常聪明 而且非常有自我意识,这样的人不论做什么,在人生中一定会成功。
I have seen in an interview in 35 years." I mean, how often does a person her age say she's not mature enough for college and won't apply until she's ready? Very smart and very self-aware. Someone like that will be a success in life, no matter what they do.